Natural, in the sense that one is still in "the flesh", and not in "the Spirit"
This is the dilemma the people of the world have to face:
---- Could I have faith enough to actually believe that there is someone who controls my destiny and it is not in my hands to determine?
This dilemma brings with it, many questions:
----- Do I have faith in anything but my own self and my accomplishments?
----- Could faith in things unseen, bring to me, life?
Jesus Himself taught that neither you or I could ever understand anything that He had done, unless we first have FAITH enough to BELIEVE.
The Dilemma:
If you have no FAITH, you will never BELIEVE. And if you never BELIEVE, you can never UNDERSTAND.
True Believers in the Eternal God could comment here and answer from scripture all of the questions you have posed above, but if you have no inkling to ever believe any of it, then you will never grasp the concepts of what Christ was doing in all of those instances, and how He was God then, was God previously, and is God now.
There is absolutely no way.
The Believer is born anew 'in the Spirit" and "The Spirit" guides the believer in all matters and teaching relating to The Son and The Father.
You did not ask about the Spirit, but... He is God too...
Now try to understand that, without being "In Christ"
If you are really interested in getting the answers to the questions you have posted, I challenge you to step out... in FAITH" just this once, and just ask Jesus if He is truly real, to show you in His WORD the things you need to discover in order to have FAITH, to BELIEVE.
When you diligently seek God, he will show you in His Word, the Bible:
"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing, by the Word of God"
When you come to the point that you have faith in God, and believe in the name of the Son of God, and believe in the One who had SENT HIM, then you will become instantly aware of all of your faults, and how you could never live up to the standards set forth by the Holy Divine Creator of all things. Let God know you realize it, and that you know you are not perfect, like He Is.
When you have a change of mind concerning things, this is called "repentance"
When you believe and you repent of your previous thoughts of the origins and of the paths you have taken in life, and the thoughts you had concerning God, taking into account that you have had a change of mind and now truly believe in Him, you will be set apart from the world, and you will want to follow God.
When you do, the Spirit will come and actually indwell you personally, and lead you and teach you in the things that God has in store for you and all of those who follow Him.
As a TRUE BELIEVER, you will be so overwhelmed in the FACT that you are not in control of your own destiny, and you know who is, and that you know Him PERSONALLY, you will want to do everything to please the One who has created you.
Your FAITH leads you to BELIEVE, your BELIEF IN HIM, will lead you to SERVE and FOLLOW HIM.
To paraphrase the Lord:
"Where are your accusers? Where are those who condemn you? Neither do I condemn you, now go and sin no more..."
Jesus is:
"The Lamb of God" was slain from the foundation of the earth"...
GOD has had control of this world since the beginning, and HE HIMSELF BECAME A MAN, to take the penalty that HE HIMSELF DECREED to all who sin and fall short of the GLORY of GOD which is His Divine Righteousness. He did this so that man's mistake in the Garden, would not turn out to be the complete destruction of mankind in Hell, which was ONLY created for Lucifer's destruction and the destruction of the angels who conspired with him in rebellion against the Almighty's Sovereignty.
Man was never meant to go to Hell. He was meant to be with God throughout eternity, never seeing death, being immortal, as He is.
Jesus was fully man, and fully God at the same time. He had to be, or His time here would have been of no benefit to anyone. As a man, he took man's penalty for sin.
Jesus took the sins of all the world, past. present and future, and paid for them with His blood, so that mankind could be redeemed.
God reconciled man to Himself, because, "without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin (Heb. 9:22)"
One who believes he chooses his own destiny in actuality, does. If he does not believe in the Sovereignty of the Almighty, then he is in fact teaming with the rebellion against God, and throws in with Satan and his legions, setting his own path to ultimately end in destruction, sealing his own fate.
John 3:18
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
I pray that you will reach out to Him and ask Him to teach you the Truth of The Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit.
One who believes he chooses his own destiny in actuality, does. If he does not believe in the Sovereignty of the Almighty, then he is in fact teaming with the rebellion against God, and throws in with Satan and his legions, setting his own path to ultimately end in destruction, sealing his own fate.
John 3:18
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
I pray that you will reach out to Him and ask Him to teach you the Truth of The Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit.
Discover why God had to die for us,
in order for us to live.
Can you search the scriptures and find out why that is the case???
Grace and Peace to You All
Can you search the scriptures and find out why that is the case???
Grace and Peace to You All